
Shooting people

So I'm off tonight to play laser tag (or is it laZer tag?) and thought about how much people like to shoot people. We like it in video games (a relatively new phenomenon - gaining in realism and popularity as each day passes). We like it in live, physical simulations (through safer forms like lasers, airsoft, or paintballs - I list these in order of progressive danger and pain). And, albeit a smaller proportion of "civilized" people, we like to really do it. With GUNS. and BULLETS. pain and death. Ouch.

As in other areas of life, like singing, or drawing portraits, or architecture, accuracy is a much heralded charactistic in the world of shooting people. Accuracy is really what it's all about.

And, for both pride and entertainment value, flair plays a big role too. Shooting a miniscule moving target while dive-rolling onto concrete from an 8-foot high ledge and strafing slightly to one's right is far more excellent than a simple execution-style blast to the back of the head. Though one could argue either way...

I've played video games and actually been pretty good at a couple of 'em. I've played paintball many times and always done well. I expect I'll be pretty good at laser tag tonight. I generally excel at shooting people while avoiding getting shot myself.

I pray I never have the chance to really try it.


kortney said...

This is a boy thing. At least not a Kortney thing. I hate shooting things, and don't even like the video games where you have to.

But sometimes when I play Sims 2 I lock my Sims in one room and watch them go crazy and die. That, that I enjoy!


A J Craig said...

You are a good shot? Really? Cause I have seen many a level on Halo 2 strewn with your pixelated attempts to take me down :) bwahaha!