
I love Tag games

Okay, in real life, I do love the game of tag. There are so many variations and ways to make it fun. I feel badly for those who are "too old" to play tag (meaning, "I'm too mature to play little kid games loser!") and wish they could have some of their childhood back...

Four Jobs I've Had:
Movie theatre Projectionist/Usher

Skate Patrol
Discipleship Coordinator
Ministry Assistant
...though these are more or less Job Titles I've had, not explaining much about the actual job...

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again:
Saving Private Ryan
The Passion of Jesus Christ
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
...anyone who has seen these films would understand I'm joshing wit' cha. These are heavy films for which one viewing is really enough...
The Real List:
Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail
U-571 (for its underwater explosion scenes...awesome sound...)

Four Places I have Lived:
Bulyea, SK
Calgary, AB
Grande Prairie, AB
Vancouver, BC

Four T.V Shows I Love:
CSI (both NY and Las Vegas)
TUF (season 3 is about to start on Spike)

Four Classic TV Shows I love: (New category - added by Andrew)
Knight Rider

Four Places I've Vacationed:
Costa Rica
San Francisco
Grande Prairie (if I use holiday time off work to be there, is it a "vacation"?)

Four Places I've Travelled to on Missions: (New category - added by me)

Four of My Favourite Dishes:
Alfredo covered pasta with seafood
Perfectly grilled steak with mushrooms
Chicken fried rice
Calamari (especially at Lou's in Abby)

Four Sites I visit Daily:
people's blogs (there's a list, and I don't get to them daily...)
...that's it...

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:-
With my wife :)
In heaven
On a mountaintop somewhere sunny and clear

Four Bloggers I am Tagging:


kortney said...

Okay. So. I just found the link to your MySpace, and to your MySpace music, and you know that song "Confession" you wrote. Well I never knew you wrote it, and it's been in my head for YEARS (I'm totally not even kidding), and I listened to it at least 8 times in a row.
Maybe one day we should go out for coffee and I could buy your CD.
We live close together. ~Kortney

arbyn said...

what does 'tag' mean?

do I have to do your survey now?

brent said...

Yup, Robyn, you are stuck having to do the survey. That's why I filled in the thing too...tag, you're it (along with the others)!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! So THAT's what a tag is! Well then, I shall tag you back on my blog! We should hang out when I come up next month (March 6th-13th) And we can touch base on what's been happenin with each other.

I love you like a fat kid loves brownie a la mode from Denny's!


(p.s. Should I get a blogspot account? i've been thinking about it.)