
Not Totally a Liar

So I told a fib. Steve K had a "competition" on his blog with regards to a particular Tuesday and it's extragant blessing...whoever could beat his Tuesday story won an iPod. Well, suffice it to say that I won, but had no evidence of such a blessed Tuesday. Thus, the previous blog entry. Sigh.

Now, part of that tale held truth...Alex is an immigrant!! I've talked about these matters only a couple of times on this space, so I'll summarize. Summer 2002, Claudia Alejandra Morataya Delgado made application to become a permanant resident (or landed immigrant) in Canada, filing an application as a "Skilled Worker" (childcare was her area of training and an area of need in Canada). After multiple medicals and record checks (cause it was taking so long, not because there was anything wrong), working visas and student visas (so she could stay in Canada legally), trips to Guatemala, United States & Europe, marriage to a Canadian, and nearly FOUR years, C. Alejandra Thompson is a permanent resident in Canada!! This is GREAT news for her, for us!

This was an extremely long and trying journey for Alex and it is amazing that it is finally over! This is a time to praise God for His faithfulness...

Now some of you might be wondering what was the purpose behind this arduous journey. I know that I didn't know about the rigours of immigration until it involved me...another blessing of being born a Canadian. As a Guatemalan, Alex could not live, work or go to school in Canada without a visa allowing it. These visas require money, paperwork and reasonable motivation to be approved. If Alex wanted to change jobs, it would take no less than 3 months for it to be approved, IF it was approved (uncertainty is a hope-stealer). The job had to be in the field of childcare or religious work and full time for it to even be considered. If Alex wanted to go to school, she had to apply for a student visa (pretty easy to get) and then attend school full time, paying international tuition (about $10 000 per year) and would not be permitted to work a job, unless it was provided to her by the school. Good times. As a landed immigrant, Alex can now work wherever she wants, as much as she wants. She can work and go to school, paying regular tuition costs, going full time, part time, whatever. She is finally free...

Needless to say, I am pretty happy about this. I was really shocked to learn of the difficult path some foreigners must walk in order to gain access to the wonders of Canadian life. It was a tough lesson to learn, but I'm glad I know now. It's going to open doors to ministry in the future, having this epiphany of the need that exists for poor souls trapped on this journey.

NOTE: be aware that I have divulged Alex's full name in "print"... do not talk of this. You are under penalty of death and/or dismemberment should you do so... :)

I'm not kidding. :P

Really, I am not joking.



kortney said...

I still don't know if Tyson's engaged.

Kathy said...

Congrats Alex!! It was an anoying process to immigrate in 1977 and it has only gotten worse. Talk about not feeling wanted - sheesh. Praise God - amen - for his faithfulness.

Sarah said...

Hey Brent,
Thanks for the congrats (Dave and I). I feel like I should become part of the club..in putting a picture of me with my comment. But, that will come later, as for now..Congrats to all the blessings in your lives!

kortney said...

Did you ever get my email about youth?