
For Steve.

I am a bold faced liar. So there. Keep your iPod.


arbyn said...


steven said...

BRENT! you're crazy. so not even pregnant? man, i was pumped. I knew the label thing was a little fishy because of the 'hokus pick reunion tour' i mean, 2 of the old members are dead, so like thats possible.


kortney said...

Wait. So is your wife pregnant? Is she really a landed immigrant? Someone tell me what the heck is going on.

brent said...

no pregancy, no record deal....but Alex will be a landed immigrant within weeks. She has been approved and they are stamping her passport (putting the visa in it) and mailing it back. Then it's Official Official. YES!

kortney said...

You can't confuse me with these things. I once thought Westjet only flew West and that stamps were cheaper at Guardian than at 711. Go easy on me :D
Congrats for Alex!

Anonymous said...

Wait... 2 of the members from Hokus Pick are dead? I'm going to throw up.

Anonymous said...

Ok... after doing a bit of 'sleuthing,' this makes a LOT more sense. Brent, you are the master! I guess thats what makes a great wrestling partner!

Tell the unpreggo Alejandra I says Hola, mis amiga! yo tengo un gato en mis pantalones!

peace out bra!

FYI, I just got engaged!

kortney said...

Tyson. Remember when I thought you were autistic, because you told me that and I believed you?

Well...are you really engaged?

Blondefully yours.

Cat said...

Hey Kort,

If I remember correctly Tyson convinced you that you that he was only autistic on mon wed and fri. Which makes it even funnier.