
To Read or Not To Read...That is the Question

Instructions are great. I almost always read instructions. For building something, using a new remote control, how to work the alarm system at work, whatever that little book instructs, I listen. I'm a good boy.

Now, don't get me started on those who do not read instructions. My wife is one of those people! Such boldness! Such reckless abandon! Imagine, you buy something, pull it out of the box and just USE IT !!!!?!?!?! How can anyone do this? I mean, sure you save yourself anywhere from 10 minutes to a couple of hours (depending on your perceptive capabilities and the complexity of the item for which you are being instructed), but three years down the road you're on a trip of Europe and a new friend (who happens to have the same digital camera you have, but read the instructions, or previously ran into someone who did) shows you a feature on your camera you could have been using the whole time!! Think about the loss of potential! It's completely immaterial that you likely would've only used that particular feature once or twice during the lifetime of the camera. The point is that you didn't know.

I want to know. Everything. I'll read the instruction manual, download the addendum from the website, read it, check out 14 forums discussing its use, which leads me to 2 other obscure read.me files I'll check out immediately. Then, I might put in the batteries and see if it works. What can I say? I'm all about the potential. I want to be prepared for every instance and scenario so that when the bright noontime sun is partially blocked by cumulonimbus cloud cover I can snap the perfect action shot of myself chasing after the pitch black tortoise hiding in the shade of dramatically red and green fufava tree branches. Just in case that ever happens, I want to know that there is no stress setting up the camera. I'm good to go. Press a couple buttons, turn a dial or two, set the timer and bingo-bango-bongo: the perfect picture. I know the route to get to the destination, no questions necessary. I'm there. I know.

See, some might suggest that I'm insecure. The knowlege of every nook and cranny of every item I've ever used is a futile effort to bolster my flagging confidence. But come on, we know the truth: this knowledge makes me better than you and you're not disciplined enough to dig deep and work at retaining this vast resevoir of requisite instruction. SO THERE.

I know it. You know it.

I feel good.

I'm going to get back to reading the help page I was searching for... I'm just dying to know how to use the Toshiba EKT-6510 to conference a local call, an internet call and two internal phones within the system together for a conversation!! I knew there had to be a way to do it but someone threw out the instruction book...


A J Craig said...

Wow, that is so depressing. Instruction manuals are for wimps! Let choas reign bwahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I always read instruction modules. Thats because I used to be blonde. I'm not now, but I still need instructions.
Oh, if your wife wants to email me one day, she can. I'd even like that...yeah. The end.
Love Kortney