
Missing months

So sad that another month will be missing in my archives list...sigh. Oh well!

Some big news on the Snitchy-Switchy front: my wife and I purchased a condominium dwelling unit for our very selves. That's been keeping me pretty busy, along with work and all. Moving is harsh man...

But now I am an official Langlian, or Langley-ite, or Langleyer I guess. Whatever I am, my address has changed and that's that. The drive to work is blissful and kind. The view from the balcony is serene. The drug addict in the bushes across the street shooting up heroin is dropping my property values... (sad but true). Though I don't really care, about the property values I mean... mostly.

Much change in life right now. It's good. It's good.

Be blessed!

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